cryptic 发音
英:[?kr?pt?k] 美:[?kr?pt?k]
英: 美:
cryptic 中文意思翻译
cryptic 短语词组
1、cryptic viruses ─── 神秘病毒
2、cryptic layering ─── 隐蔽层状构造
3、cryptic species ─── 同形种
4、cryptic epitopes ─── 神秘的表位
5、cryptic disk ─── 隐盘
6、cryptic coloration ─── 隐蔽色
7、cryptic mutation ─── 神秘的突变
8、cryptic plasmid ─── 隐蔽性质粒
9、cryptic nostalgia ─── [医] 隐蔽性怀乡病
10、cryptic mutant ─── [医]隐突变型
11、cryptic prophage ─── 隐性前噬菌体
12、cryptic growth ─── 神秘的生长
13、cryptic epitope ─── 神秘的表位
14、cryptic enzyme ─── 隐性酶
15、cryptic mosaic ─── 隐蔽嵌合体,同源嵌合体
16、Cryptic Warbler ─── 神秘的Warbler
17、cryptic color ─── [医]隐藏色,保护色
18、cryptic form ─── 神秘的形式
19、cryptic virus ─── 神秘病毒
cryptic 词性/词形变化,cryptic变形
异体字: cryptical | 副词: cryptically | 名词: crypticness |
cryptic 相似词语短语
1、crypt- ─── n.土窖,地下室;腺窝
2、crypt ─── n.土窖,地下室;腺窝
3、cryptal ─── 桉萜醛
4、crypto- ─── n.秘密赞同者;秘密党员
5、cryonic ─── 低温的
6、tryptic ─── adj.胰蛋白酶的
7、crypton ─── **体
8、crypto ─── n.秘密赞同者;秘密党员
9、cryptical ─── adj.神秘的;隐藏的;含义模糊的
cryptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、cryptic comment ─── 意义含糊的评论
2、a cryptic message/remark/smile ─── 令人困惑的信息/话语/微笑
3、Entire communities took up the whirling, fatiguing practices of seers, while in other areas hermit-like proto-Ecstatics lived as mystery men who uttered cryptic pronouncements and lived apart from the press of mundane humanity. ─── 在有的地区他们全都在街上疯狂的旋转,用尽心力去追寻,而其他地方,教团的远祖们就像隐士一样全然不为人知,避出红尘。
4、No one likes to use functions with cryptic and hard-to-follow arguments, so write easy-to-use functions. ─── 没人喜欢使用那些所带的参数既晦涩又难于理解的函数,因此请编写易于使用的函数。
5、Three migrating cranes brush inky strokes across the waning moon's empty page. In silvered silence we read their cryptic message like an ancient haiku scroll. ─── 三只迁徙的鹤用它们的笔触刷过残月的空页在银色静默里我们读它们神秘的信息如展读一卷古老的俳赋。
6、UDEF takes the interesting approach of using a cryptic combination of letters, numbers, underscores, and periods for identifiers rather than natural language. ─── UDEF采用了一种很有意思的方法,它将字母、数字、下划线、句号结合起来,用来代替自然语言作为标识符。
7、He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges. ─── 他发表了一个简短、令人捉摸不透的声明,否认对他从事**活动的指控。
8、But to save space, it does so in a fairly cryptic fashion. ─── 但是,为了节省空间,这是以一种很隐秘的方式实现的。
9、a cryptic crossword clue ─── 扑朔迷离的纵横字谜线索
10、Before the day was over, Henry issued a cryptic memo to top executives ─── 亨利赶着在当天就向高级职员发出了一份使人费解的内部通知。
11、Study on the Cryptic Influence of Corporate Political Action on Dynamic Regulation Equilibrium ─── 企业政治行为对管制动态均衡的隐蔽性影响
12、A few have been unresponsive or cryptic. ─── 一些无答复或隐秘。
13、He had nothing to offer, he told her, but he gave her a piece of cryptic advice: "Go home and look up normal pressure hydrocephalus. " ─── 那个针灸师说他也没有办法,但是他隐晦地给她提了一个意见:“回家,然后去检查正常压力脑积水”。
14、cryptic coloring. ─── 保护色
15、To put on a mask, come to our Cryptic masquerade ball! ─── 戴起假面具,加入我们神秘的假面舞会!
16、Here, trademark basslines remain dreamy, the lyrics dependably cryptic. ─── 在这里,标志性的贝司依旧梦幻,歌词仍然隐晦。
17、To put on a mask,come to our Cryptic masquerade ball! ─── 戴起假面具,加入我们神秘的假面舞会!
18、Cryptogams were thus named because early botanists considered their method of reproduction to be hidden (cryptic). ─── 之所以被称为隐花植物是因为早期的植物学家们认为它们的繁殖方式是隐蔽的(秘密的)。
19、Tomb figures in Sichuan Province are cryptic but convey an impression of varied and active movement and a strong sense of humor. ─── 四川地区的俑,动态大,造型生动,形象朦胧,形式多样,幽默感强,
20、He left my mother, Gloria, a cryptic note, saying he had to go, that something big was happening, something he couldn't tell us about yet. ─── 他给我母亲,葛洛莉亚留下了一个秘密的便签,便签上说由于某件重大的事情正在发生,他不得不走,他现在还不能跟我们详谈那件事。
21、A darker, gothic, cryptic and creepier environment. ─── 一个更黑暗、哥特式的、隐秘的、更阴森的环境。
22、Father and daughter also have what scientists now call "issues" concerning their own somewhat estranged relationship, which involves cryptic references to a mother and wife who is never seen. ─── 他们之间疏远的关系也映射了**中没有出现的母亲或妻子的这个角色。
23、The biography was characteristically cryptic but was snapped up by Kremlinologists who have been kept in the dark on even the simplest facts about the Soviet First Lady. ─── [戈尔巴乔夫夫人]传记的特点是神秘兮兮,可是也被克里姆林宫学专家们抢购一空。这些专家们连有关苏联第一夫人最简单的事实也被蒙在鼓里,无从得知。
24、The cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; ─── 保护效果是这些因素确切合作而形成。
25、It's a development that could finally make true Sun's original and hitherto cryptic slogan:the Network Is the Computer. ─── Java是这样的一种产品,它有可能实现Sun公司原先乃至迄今为止意思含糊的口号:网络就是计算机。
26、A surprising feature of the higher fungi, in the small sample available, is the number of cryptic or sibling species ─── 在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。
27、Chou Chung-wei accompanied his cryptic request with a roar of laughter, then went and opened the front door and shouted at the delegates ─── 周仲伟还是不肯明白讲出来,哈哈笑着,就亲自去开了那大门,连声叫道:
28、Marvel at cryptic error messages! ─── 对含义模糊的错误消息感到惊奇!
29、Just months after his Microsoft farewell, Bill Gates is quietly creating a new company -- complete with high-tech office space, a cryptic name and even its own trademark. ─── 就在他辞别微软几个月后,比尔盖茨静静的开了个新的公司--完成了高科技办公空间,一个神秘的名字,甚至他自己的商标。
30、Anyone who reads the British national papers on 14 February will see romantic Britons at their most lovelorn, cryptic and erotic. ─── 一个英国人假装给海外游客一些忠告,他提议:“一上列车就该和所有的乘客握手。”
31、If the syntax for validation rules looks cryptic, the tables in the section What you can put in a validation rule explain the syntax and provide some example validation rules. ─── 如果有效性规则的语法看上去很晦涩,请参阅可以在有效性规则中使用哪些内容一节中的表,这些表对语法进行了说明并提供了一些有效性规则示例。
32、If each ploidal level (cytotype) is viewed as a cryptic biological species, then the contribution of polyploidy to biological species diversity is even higher than previously surmised. ─── 如果每个倍性水平(细胞型)被视为神秘的生物物种,那么多倍体对生物物种多样性的贡献甚至是高于原先推测的。
33、In search of his father who has mysteriously disappeared diving in the city, David stumbles across the cryptic trail leading to the long-lost fortune of the Medici. ─── 在寻找神秘消失在这个城市的父亲的过程中,大卫一路跌跌撞撞的穿过指引遗失已久的梅第奇财富的神秘足迹。
34、Conversely, Shostakovich at his bleakest still offers his listeners slivers of hope, usually in the form of cryptic jokes. ─── 与之相反,肖斯塔科维奇在阴郁的作品中,仍然以隐密的玩笑这种形式给听众带来一线希望。
35、The Houston Rockets answered the question of Vassilis Spanoulis' future on Thursday night, though they did it in a cryptic way. ─── 周日晚上,对于斯潘的未来,火箭队隐晦地给出了答复。
36、Asked if he's introduced the Yankees to his bare essence, Damon answered recently with a cryptic smile. ─── 像大门这款,在会长以前带兵阶段,也找得到。
37、LAST year, as Kenya slid into mayhem, the words that sputtered forth from crude transmitters were cryptic but, to those in the know, horrifying. ─── 去年,肯尼亚陷入混乱,粗糙的收音机里喷溅出的话都是暗语,但是对熟悉暗语的人来说,内容却让人不寒而栗。
38、Basic Statistics: Blue-collar workers on an assembly line successfully use statistical process control techniques; powerful statistical techniques do not have to be cryptic and arcane. ─── 基础统计学:装配线上的蓝领工人成功地使用着统计过程控制技术;强大的统计学技术并非神秘不可思议的。
39、In the Himalayan bassinet and the arms of Ganges, Hindustan become a cryptic country. ─── 在喜玛拉雅的摇篮里,在恒河的怀抱中,天竺成为一个神秘的国度。
40、a cryptic remark ─── 含义隐晦的话
41、In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes. ─── 在这些环境中,动物的保护色常常得到特定的形状变化和本能的协作,这种本能会使动物采取特定的姿势。
42、Four watchers! Sigils! Could ye be a little less cryptic counfonded machine! ─── 四个守护!印记!你这机器能不能不要这么死脑筋?
43、You will use this dialog box to create a named calculation that you will use to display the full product line name instead of the cryptic name. ─── 您将使用此对话框创建一个命名计算,该命名计算将用来显示完整的产品系列名称,而不显示加密名称。
44、cryptic nostalgia ─── [医] 隐蔽性怀乡病
45、I'm just here to tell you not to write off that cryptic clue I gave you last time so easily. ─── 我来这儿只是为了告诉你:别这么轻易对那个隐喻下结论。
46、Some traditionalists warn that digitalreading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often,they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot thatvexes teachers and patents. ─── 一些保守从义者正告道,数字涉猎就是体力活动外的空暖量食物。他们道,普通情况下,网络写脚会使用一类争教生和野少捕狂的淌畅难懂的网络语行。
47、She made a cryptic comment about how the film mirrored her life. ─── 她隐晦地表示说这部**是她人生的写照。
48、Some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and patents. ─── 一些传统主义者警告说,数字阅读就是脑力活动中的空热量食物。他们说,通常情况下,网络写手会使用一种让老师和家长抓狂的晦涩难懂的网络语言。
49、I don't know what this cryptic remark is intended to convey. ─── 我不知道这句暗藏玄机的评语是要表示什麽。
50、"Baoyu could see no merit in these disjointed and cryptic songs, but the plaintive music intoxicated his senses." ─── "宝玉听了此曲,散漫无稽,不见得好处,但其声韵凄惋,竟能销魂醉魄."
51、Property returns a text message describing the error; you can alter it to make a cryptic message easier to understand. ─── 属性返回描述错误的文本消息;您可以更改该消息,使意思不明确的消息更易于理解。
52、These log messages can sometimes be a little cryptic, but they should always give the line number of the offending piece of code. ─── 这些记录的信息有时候有一点模糊,但是它们应该总是给出违规的代码的行数。
53、Its fans perversely enjoy the opprobrium it still attracts, as well as its deeply cryptic side. ─── 它的“粉丝”们一反常态地陶醉于它所招惹的责骂中,恰如对其神秘的一面的深深迷恋。
54、They tried to be more verbose in the logging and to capture information at the lowest level rather than logging a bubbled up cryptic message. ─── 他们尽力使记录更为详细,并在最低级别捕获信息,而不是记录大量含义不清的消息。
55、Tomb figures in Sichuan Province are cryptic but convey an impression of varied and active movement and a strong sense of humor. ─── 四川地区的俑,动态大,造型生动,形象朦胧,形式多样,幽默感强。
56、The painting, whose cryptic smile lures millions of visitors to the Louvre, is displayed behind glass to protect it from climatic changes and camera flashes. ─── 《蒙娜丽莎》陈列在玻璃罩内,以防止气候变化和照相机闪光灯带来的损害,她的神秘微笑吸引了无数游客来卢浮宫参观。
57、Thus MESA is employed to detect the cryptic periods characteristics of the monthly runoff series, annual runoff series and annual maximum flood peak series of Huayuankou Station in the Yellow River. ─── 为此,本文以黄河花园口(秦厂)测站年径流系列、月径流系列和年最大洪峰流量序列隐含周期特性的研究为例,探讨了最大熵谱分析在水文时间序列隐含周期特性中的应用。
58、Anti- broad spectrum and hyperm olecule CK of tonsil cryptic epithelium were positive reaction,anti- broad spectrum CK of cryptic keratosis in all cases was positive reaction. ─── 扁桃体隐窝上皮抗广谱和高分子 CK均呈**反应 ,全组隐窝内角化物抗广谱 CK亦均呈**反应。
59、The cryptic layering and rhythmic layering are typical f eature of layered intrusions. ─── 层状侵入体的一个典型的特征是具有隐层理和韵律层理。
60、Chromosomal cryptic insertion of the terminal region and its formative mechanism determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization ─── 应用荧光原位杂交技术确诊染色体末端区域的隐蔽**入及其形成机制探讨
61、a cryptic remark, message, smile, etc ─── 令人困惑的言语﹑ 信息﹑ 微笑等.
62、It's a development that could finally make true Sun's original and hitherto cryptic sloganthe Network Is the Computer ─── Java是这样的一种产品,它有可能实现Sun公司原先乃至迄今为止意思含糊的口号:网络就是计算机。
63、Ask Nostradamus any question that can be answered with Yes or No and he'll give you a cryptic answer for you to think about. ─── 问占卜者一些问题,将得到是与不是这些需要思考的隐秘回答。
64、I have lost my only students today, woman,"Chantico huffed impatiently."I am not in the mood for cryptic implications. ─── 我失去了我唯一的学生们,女人。"查安逖克不耐烦地吼道"我没心思跟你讨论这些神秘的暗谕!
65、3) Geographic isolation may facilitate cryptic speciation of marine holoplankton.However,contribution of allopatric speciation is still questionable; ─── 3)地理隔离有助于海洋终生浮游生物隐种的形成,但异域物种形成的作用仍值得商榷;
66、There were different colors, different menu structures, unlimited ways to open a file, and myriad cryptic commands to get the same tasks done. ─── 不同的颜色,不同的菜单结构,没有约束的打开文件方式,以及无数的神秘命令来实现同样的任务。
67、Unfortunately, these cryptic * messages baffle * most people.We've deciphered * the most common ones you may encounter. ─── 如果失败,试着用搜索引擎查找这个站点,它也许会有一个新的地址。
68、Her cryptic lyrics, composed mostly in ballad meter, are metaphysical in style, original in language, and precise in imagery. ─── 她多以述事韵律写作神密抒情诗,文体(上是)抽象(的);语文(上是)独创(的),意象(上是)周密(的)。
69、Immunologic histochemical observation of anti-crypt keratin of cryptic epithelium of tonsilla in children with chronic tonsillitis ─── 慢性扁桃体炎患儿扁桃体抗隐窝上皮角蛋白的免疫组化观察
70、cryptic species ─── 同形种
71、Our philosophy is that cryptic quests where you cannot figure out who to speak with or what exactly they are looking for is rarely fun. ─── 我们的理念是那些要你去同某某人说话或者他们想要什么物品的隐晦任务是很没意思的。
72、In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape,by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes. ─── 在这些环境中,动物的保护色常常得到特定的形状变化和本能的协作,这种本能会使动物采取特定的姿势。
73、Observation on multiplication pattern of bacterial cryptic growth cells with interference phase-contrast microscope ─── 应用干涉相差显微镜观察细菌潜生体繁殖方式的研究
74、If your presentation is too cryptic or unreadable, evaluation of your analysis may be impossible and you will receive no credit. ─── 假如表达太不清楚或无法阅读,你的分析的评分也会变成不可能然后你就会不及格。
75、He felt himself almost bodiless, a bundle of frightened thoughts bumping down into the cryptic earth. ─── 他觉得自己几乎没有了形体,在这个神秘的地下,所存在着的不过是一些吓坏了的想法。
76、Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters. ─── 在打字机上留下神秘的信息。
77、I find the XML "targets" a bit cryptic, but that fades with time as you get more familiar with what's going on. ─── 我发现XML“目标”有点神秘,当您对它越来越熟悉时这种神秘感也就慢慢裉去了。
78、a cryptic comment ─── 含义模糊的评论
79、Masters of disguise, scorpion fish use cryptic coloring and specialized appendages to help them hide from predators and surprise prey. ─── 作为乔装高手,天蝎鱼用隐秘的着色和适合于隐身的肢体帮助它们避免被掠食者发现和躲避随时会遇到的袭击。
80、Keywords human telomerase reverse transcriptase;gastric cancer;cryptic epitope;virus-like particulate peptide-nucleic acid vaccine;cytotoxic T-lymphocyte; ─── 人端粒酶逆转录酶;胃癌;隐性表位;肽-核酸病毒样颗粒疫苗;细胞毒T淋巴细胞;
81、My opponent controls a Spellbreaker Behemoth. If he plays another fatty, can I Cryptic Command to bounce the Spellbreaker and counter the creature? ─── 我对手操控破咒贝西摩斯,如果他使用一个大哥咒语,我能否使用蓝指,然后选择将破咒回手和反击咒语呢?
82、Only old Benjamin refused to grow enthusiastic about the windmill, though, as usual, he would utter nothing beyond the cryptic remark that donkeys live a long time. ─── 唯独老本杰明对风车毫无热情,他如同往常一样,除了说驴都长寿这句话神乎其神的话之外,就再也无所表示了。
83、Cryptic Warbler ─── n. 隐莺
84、Your application avoids cryptic file names that are visible to users. ─── 你的应用程序不会用意义含糊的名字的命名用户可见的文件。
85、英文概要: In Beverly Hills a businessman slaughters his entire family and leaves behind a video of the massacre and a cryptic message: "this is where it begins. ─── 中文概要: 贝弗莉山的一个商人将他的全家都杀了后,留下了一盘录象和一张神秘的纸条,上面写着“从这里开始”。
86、Keywords microbe;sludge reduction;uncoupling metabolism;microfauna prey;cryptic growth; ─── 关键词微生物;污泥减量;解偶联技术;生物捕食;隐生长;
87、You can provide a server group name and description, to allow you to easily find servers that may need to have cryptic server names for business reasons. ─── 您可以提供服务器组的名称和描述,以便轻松找到由于业务原因需要具有隐藏服务器名称的服务器。
88、Other ways an organism may be cryptic include nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle, and transparency. ─── 生物具有的其他隐蔽能力包括夜间活动、地下活动以及透明物态。
89、Difference of drug resistance between cryptic growth cells and vegetative cells of P. Mirabilis and its mechanism ─── 奇异变形杆菌潜生体与繁殖体的耐药性差异及其机制探讨
一般,每一次用户打开电脑,所有的电脑都应要求输入只有合法用户和网络管理员才知道的密码。电脑密码设置时应该避免使用一些容易被其他人猜出来的单词、短语和数字,例如一个小孩的名字,或名字的缩写。一个安全的密码最好使用含有大小写字母混合的不容易被猜出的密码,像“The moon Also RISES”。另外,还应该要求所有的用户定期更改密码,并在登录系统时连续三次输入密码错误后锁定系统。
即使入侵者闯入了防火墙内,数据依然能通过加密的方式来保证安全。很多软件和网络程序——包括Microsoft Windows NT、Novell NetWare、Lotus Notes等——都提供有对所有发送到网络上的数据进行加密的功能。
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