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08-01 投稿


lawless 发音

英:['l??l?s]  美:['l?l?s]

英:  美:

lawless 中文意思翻译



lawless 网络释义

adj. 非法的;无法律的n. (Lawless)人名;(英)劳利斯

lawless 短语词组

1、lawless movie ─── 无法 ─── 无天电影

2、lawless soundtrack ─── 无法 ─── 无天的配乐

3、lawless 2012 ─── 无法 ─── 无天2012

4、lawless lawyer ─── 无法 ─── 无天的律师

5、lawless jerky ─── 无法 ─── 无天的混蛋

6、lawless cast ─── 非法铸造

7、lawless cosmetics ─── 不法化妆品

8、richard lawless ─── 理查德·劳利斯

9、lawless cold souls ─── 无法 ─── 无天的冷酷灵魂

10、lawless person ─── 无法 ─── 无天的人

lawless 词性/词形变化,lawless变形

副词: lawlessly |名词: lawlessness |

lawless 相似词语短语

1、lawlessly ─── adv.非法地

2、laceless ─── adj.无花边的

3、flapless ─── 无襟翼的;收上襟翼的

4、awless ─── adj.无威仪的

5、clawless ─── 无爪的

6、flagless ─── 无旗子的

7、clanless ─── 无爪的

8、jawless ─── 无颚的

9、flawless ─── adj.完美的;无瑕疵的;无裂缝的

lawless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If our ruler doesn't create more jobs soon, the lawless will overwhelm me. ─── 如果我们的城市不能快点提供就业机会,这些无法无天的人会把我折腾得半死。

2、After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice. ─── 被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。

3、You therefore, beloved, since you know these things beforehand, be on your guard lest being carried away by the error of the lawless, you fall from your own steadfastness. ─── 17所以,亲爱的,你们既然预先知道了,就当防备,免得被不法之人的错谬带走,就从自己坚固的地步上坠落。

4、However,the independence of standby L/C provides great convenience for the lawless person to commit fraudulence. ─── 但备用信用证的独立性也为不法商人利用备用信用证欺诈提供了极大便利。

5、an unprincipled fellow; a lawless man ─── 不法之徒

6、In lawless states like Somalia, which lack a strong central government, they're trying to find reliable proxy forces. ─── 在像索马里这样中央政府权力很弱、没有法律的国家,美国将会寻找一支可以信赖的代理部队。

7、Lawless, Geoe, Augustine of Hio and His Monaf tic Ru (1987). ─── 不法,乔治,奥古斯丁的河马和他的寺院规则( 1987年) 。

8、The task for NATO is to extend government authority over a country that has rarely known it, and to prod Pakistan to do the same in its lawless borderlands. ─── 北约的任务是在一个他们几乎不了解的国家内扩大政府权力,并敦促巴基斯坦在其混乱的边境地带采取同样的措施。

9、He broke away from that lawless group years ago. ─── 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。

10、You have given us into the hands of our enemies, lawless people, the worst of the impious, into the hands of an unjust king, the most perverse in all the world. ─── 你将我们交在无法无天,邪妄无信的仇人手中,又将我们交于一位不义和全世界上最凶暴不仁的君王手中。

11、A bounty hunter protects his dead brother's pregnant wife in a lawless world after a comet devastates much of the planet. ─── 不期而至的彗星几乎摧毁了整个地球,人们面临疾病的威胁,只有找到病元抗体,才能拯救全人类。

12、For Mr Obama, the Pakistani side of the lawless Pashtun belt poses the biggest threat to global security. ─── 对奥巴马来说,巴基斯坦边境的无法无天的普什图地区对世界的安全造成了最大的威胁。

13、Battlefields, though, were not lawless places before this. ─── 战场也并非无法无天。

14、There was much opposition to what many expected to be a lawless, immoral, free-for-all . ─── 很多人非常反对那些被认为是无法无天、没有道德规范的自由状态。

15、His lawless hair was caught in a net. ─── 他的一头乱发被网钩住了。

16、He was completely lawless to do so. ─── 他这样做真是无法无天。

17、You could imagine the EVE galaxy as a flower, where the secure Empire space is the middle of the flower and the outer lawless regions are the leaves. ─── 你可以将EVE银河想象成为一朵花,其中安全的帝国空间就是花朵中间,周围无法律状态的地区就是叶子.

18、They were a lawless bunch,and unlucky as well. ─── 他们是一个倒霉的非法团伙。

19、The reality is that the physical plane has been the most lawless of all planes upon earth. ─── 事实上,物质层已成为地球所有层面中最违法的层面。

20、Both might and malice ,deceit and treachery,all impiety may lawfully be committed in love,which is lawless。 ─── 各种伪证与任何不虔诚都可以合法地采用,因为爱是无法无天的。

21、You are not small and lawless and bitter and depressed, or suicidal, diseased, abusive, deformed, war mongering, consumptive or self centered in the Tao. ─── 你们在道中既不渺小、违法、痛苦和绝望,也不自杀、病倒、凌虐、残疾、战争狂热、消耗或自我中心主义。

22、the lawless slaughter of protected species. ─── 对保护物种的非法捕杀

23、In 1912, no longer a lawless frontier, Arizona became a state, but precious metals and gunslingers were only a part of Arizona's heritage. ─── 在1912年,亚利桑纳州正式成为一州,州界也得到确立。不过,这些珍贵的矿藏与枪客、都只是亚利桑纳州的诸多传统之一罢了。

24、But up to now, searching has been a lawless activity. One way or the other, it is time courts came up with some rules. ─── 但迄今为止,搜索仍是一项无法可依的活动。不管怎么说,现在该是法庭定出一些相关法规的时候了。

25、A lawless scientific experiment is one that harms those species associated. ─── 一个非法的科学实验是对相关物种的伤害。

26、Be disciplined and law-abiding, nor chaotic and lawless. ─── 以遵纪守法为荣,以遵法乱纪为耻.

27、Congo's lawless east has long served as a safe haven for Ugandan rebel groups; ─── 刚果无法无天的东部地区长期以来都是乌干达叛军组织的避风的港湾;

28、After the loss of Afghanistan, it has recreated a safe haven in Pakistan's lawless tribal belt, alongside its strengthened Taliban allies. ─── 在失去阿富汗之后,基地组织与塔利班联系更加紧密,双方共同在巴基斯坦不受法律控制的部落地带重新创造出一个新的避风港。

29、Richard Lawless, a Pentagon official, recently said China had developed a “very sophisticated” ability to attack American computer and internet systems. ─── 五角大楼官员理查德"劳里斯最近称,中国练就了袭击美国网络系统的“高明”本领。

30、As there are now guardians in support of True Spiritual Law that will come into one's field to allow one not to unconsciously act in a lawless manner. ─── 当真正灵性法则支持的守护者现在进入你的能量场,让你不能以非法则的方式来无意识行动。

31、Even the oil-rich Shia south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless (see article). ─── 富油的南部什叶派地区一年前还被认为相对稳定,但现在也“无法无天”了。

32、The judicial relief to the aggrieved enterprise under the lawless administration action ─── 不法行政行为下受损企业的司法救济

33、To Bring peace and diligence to a lawless area ─── 卖剑买牛

34、Throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the border country was ravaged by lawless Reiver families in a vicious cycle of raid, reprisal and blood feud . ─── 在15与16世纪中,这两地交界处的村庄各有不受两地律法管辖的”雷夥”家族,陷入在袭击、报复、结成世仇这样的惨烈轮迴。

35、“It vindicates women who sit there and watch their sisters in the workplace have affairs,” Ms Lawless said. ─── “对那些只能坐在那里、眼看工作场所的姐妹们与老板发生性关系的女性而言,这维护了她们的权益,”劳力斯女士说。

36、Damage of Lawless Oil Refining to Crude Oil Resources and its Handling ─── 对破坏石油资源非法炼油活动的治理

37、It all takes place in Mexican bandit country so remote and lawless that no-one goes to spectate. ─── 这都发生在墨西哥这个土匪国家,偏僻而且违法,以至于没有人去观看。

38、The local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak, and none of them dares even mutter dissent. ─── 土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。

39、Even the oil-rich Shiah south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless( see article). ─── 即使在盛产石油的什叶派南方,与一年前或更久前的相对稳定相比,也已变得无法无天了。

40、At President Shevardnadze's request, the United States is planning to send up to 150 military trainers to prepare Georgian soldiers to reestablish control in this lawless region. ─── 应国家元首谢瓦尔德纳泽的要求,美国计划派出可多达150人的军事训练人员,训练格鲁吉亚士兵,使他们能恢复对这个混乱地区的控制。

41、The lawless slaughterof protected species. ─── 对保护物种的非法捕杀。

42、Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast,and I have a message for them: If we must begin a military campaign,it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. ─── 今晚,许多伊拉克人都能通过广播听到我演讲的译文,我要向他们传递这样一个信息:如果必须展开军事行动,行动的目标是无法无天的人们,而不是你们。

43、China says it will send warships to the waters off Somalia to join an international force combating pirates operating out of the lawless African state. ─── 中国方面表示,将派战舰到索马里附近海域,加入国际武装力量,打击以索马里这个毫无法制国家为基地的海盗。

44、If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. ─── 如果我们必须开始军事行动,它所针对的是那些统治你们国家的不法之徒,而不是你们。

45、Then he adds: "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." ─── 17以后就说,我不再记念他们的罪愆,和他们的过犯。

46、The king sang this lament for Abner: "Should Abner have died as the lawless die? ─── 33王为押尼珥举哀,说,押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢?

47、The western part of America was lawless 200 years ago. ─── 二百年前,美国西部是没有法纪的。

48、Elsewhere in the lawless waters off Somalia, European navies have been more robust. ─── 在索马里附近另外一些海盗猖獗的海域,欧洲海军表现得更加强劲。

49、He is a lawless man. ─── 他是个无法无天的人。

50、The most violent revolts and the most serious disorders have invariably occurred in places where the local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords perpetrated the worst outrages. ─── 凡是反抗最力、乱子闹得最大的地方,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主为恶最甚的地方。

51、Couldn't you all know him ? He can't help you anything, just abet you doing something that is lawless . ─── 妳还没有看透他吗?他帮不了妳什么,只会怂恿妳干些非法的事情。

52、For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. ─── 因为往日随从外邦人的心意行邪淫、恶欲、醉酒、荒宴、群饮,并可恶拜偶像的事,时候已经够了。

53、23 This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God, you killed, using lawless men to crucify him. ─── 他照天主已定的计划和预知,被交付了;你们借着不法者的手,钉他在十字架上,杀死了他;

54、Henceforward, should any lawless person dare to plot disruption, the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will enforce these regulations to the letter and will accept no plea of ignorance. ─── 倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言出法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。

55、“If you have to sleep with the boss to get ahead, men have causes of action too,” Ms Lawless said. ─── “如果你不得不和老板上床以获得晋升,那么男性也有理由提起诉讼,”劳力斯女士说。

56、Lawless beasts! You'll never get even half a word out of me! ─── 伤天害理的畜牲! 你们从我口里半个字也掏不出来!

57、The UN Security Council last week gave nations a one-year mandate to act inside lawless Somalia to stop the rampant piracy in the Gulf of Aden. ─── 上周,联合国安理会授权各国在混乱的索马里水域采取行动,遏制亚丁湾猖獗的海盗袭击.

58、Mr Lawless said the question of origin was less important than who was facilitating the transfer. ─── 劳利斯表示,与源头问题相比,谁为这些武器的转移提供便利更为重要。

59、One may cease to perpetrate lawless conduct today only to find that one ascends into such patterning tomorrow. ─── 今天你可能停止去犯下非法行为,而发现明天你又提升进这样的模式。

60、The lawless persons has taken rare birds, and animals on to the dining-table. ─── 不法分子把珍禽奇兽都搬上了餐桌。

61、he is enterprising,irrepressible,brimful of lawless activities; ─── 他极富冒险性,他桀骜不驯,充满无法无天的活动;

62、In lawless states like Somalia, which lack a strong central government, they're trying to find reliable proxy forces. ─── 在像索马里这样中央政府权力很弱、没有法律的国家,美国将会寻找一支可以信赖的代理部队。

63、It is lawless right now in the Wild West. ─── 现在的西部简直无法无天。

64、Avowed white supremacist David Duke instantly screamed that Taylor's carnage proves that whites are under assault from lawless blacks and the federal government won't protect them. ─── 公然的白人至上主义者戴维·杜克迫不及待地叫嚣泰勒的大屠杀表明白人受到无法无天的黑人的威胁,而联邦政府却不予保护。

65、North Waziristan, the most lawless of the tribal areas, is a hub of Al Qaeda and other foreign fighters, and the base of operations for the Haqqani network. ─── 北瓦齐里斯坦,部落区最失控的地区,是基地组织和其他国外袭击机中心所在,同时也是哈卡尼网络操作基地。

66、As a result a number of lawless elements to be abused in the milk added to melamine, misleading "protein fine. ─── 于是一些不法分子就钻空子,在奶液中添加三聚氰胺,误导为“蛋白精”。

67、For that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard. ─── 因为那义人住在他们中间,看见听见他们不法的事,他的义心就天天伤痛。

68、As power becomes lawless, then real law is turned inside out and upside down, and everything functions in distortion. ─── 当权力变得无律法之时,那么真正的律法将被倒置颠覆,而每件事都会在扭曲中运作。

69、Nor was this the only form of lawless extravagance which owed its origin to the plague. ─── 在其他方面,由于瘟疫的原故,雅典开始有了空前违法乱纪的情况。

70、For just as you presented the parts of your bodies as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness for lawless ness, so now present them as slaves to righteousness for sanctification. ─── 如今也要怎样将你们的肢体当作奴隶,献于正义,行圣善的事。

71、In Somalia, the tragedy of a lawless and ungoverned country only gets worse. ─── 在索马里,国家因无法无天以及不受控制而酿造的悲剧也愈演愈烈;

72、29 A lawless man allures his neighbor, and leads him into a way that is not good. ─── 强横的人,诱惑朋友;引他走入不正之徒。

73、He viewed his son's lawless behavior as an attack on himself. ─── 他把儿子的不法行为看作是对自己的忤逆.

74、Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic. ─── 告别违章行车,保证交通顺畅。

75、..if he can only break away from his lawless beatnik friends who are his only companions... ─── 剧情简介: Plot:Eddie Crane is on his way to becoming a top recording star.

76、'If we keep ignoring such acts, the place is going to turn into a lawless area, ' he said. ─── 加藤说,如果我们继续放任这样的行为,这个地方会变成一个“法外之地”。

77、Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. ─── 亲爱的弟兄啊,你们既然预先知道这事,就当防备,恐怕被恶人的错谬诱惑,就从自己坚固的地步上坠落。

78、Constantly use this product to Bath your teeth. Your teeth will Be as white as [lawless jade. Nothing to Be criticized. ─── 常用本品为您的牙齿洗澡,定会令您的牙齿如白玉般地无瑕可谪。

79、Melamine lawless elements will be added to the raw milk, the drill is the Kjeldahl method of loopholes in the milk protein content. ─── 不法分子将三聚氰胺添加到原料奶中,钻的是凯氏定氮法测定奶粉蛋白质含量的漏洞。

80、haven't u outguess him? he couldn't help u ,only abet u to do the lawless things. ─── 你还没有看透他吗?他帮不了你什么,只会怂恿你干些非法的事情。

81、because he was idle and lawless and vulgar and bad -- ─── 因为他游手好闲、无法无天,而且既下流又没教养??

82、The government recognized there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour. ─── 政府认识到市区存在问题,但是这绝不能成为非法行为的借口。

83、But up to now, searching has been a lawless activity. One way or the other, it is time courts came up with some rules. ─── 但迄今为止,搜索仍是一项无法可依的活动。不管怎么说,现在该是法庭定出一些相关法规的时候了。

84、Poisson regression models are widely used in analyzing count data. Dean & Lawless (1989) and Dean(1992) developed the tests for overdispersion in Poisson models with non-repeated measurement. ─── Poisson回归模型广泛应用于分析计数型数据 ,Dean &Lawless(1989)和Dean(1992 )讨论了非重复测量得到的计数型数据的偏大离差存在性的检验问题 .

85、Fortunately he broke away from that lawless group years ago ─── 幸亏他在数年前就脱离了那个非法集团。

86、If the Second Party has lawless or against discipline activities, he shall agree the First Party's disposals or punishments according to relevant provisions, till repatriation. ─── 如乙方有违法,违纪行为,应接受甲方按规定作出相应的处理和处罚,直至遣送回国;

87、the lawless days of mob rule and anarchy ─── 处于暴民统治和无政府状态的没有法纪的日子

88、Fortunately, he broke away from the lawless group years ago. ─── 幸好,他在数年前就脱离了那个非法集团。

89、News of the rich field spread and the rapid influx of prospective diggers left authorities unprepared, trouble began to rise from the large percentage of "lawless characters". ─── 发现金矿的消息蔓延到各地,并很快带来了大量淘金者的涌如,使得当局措手不及。这时,那些“不法分子”又开始制造起麻烦来。

英语the man’s individual fortune怎么翻译

the man's individual fortune的中文翻译是那人的个人财产



音标:英 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]美 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]  

adj. 个别的, 单独的, 个人的;独特的

n. 个人;人


individual privacy 个人隐私

individual liberty 个人自由


Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.

每个苹果都用纸单独包着 。

New Painting's tendency to de-emphasize individual figures.


We welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals.



adj. [经]个人的;个别的;独特的 personal,different,subjective,distinct,unique

英语the man’s individual fortune怎么翻译

the man’s individual fortune可以翻译成“男人的个人财富。”

重点单词:individual:英 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]  美 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl] 

adj. 单独的,个别的;个人的;独特的,与众不同的

n. 个人,个体;与众不同的人,有个性的人;某种类型的人

词形变换: 复数 individuals ;比较级 more individual ;最高级 most individual。


individual event 个人项目 ; 单项比赛 ; 个人单项

individual retirement account个人退休金账户 ; 个人退休账户 ; 个人退休账号 ; 人退休账户

individual housing loan 个人购房贷款 ; 小我购房存款 ; 个人购房存款


Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements. 


The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights. 


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