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08-01 投稿


eliminated 发音

英:[??l?m?ne?t?d]  美:[??l?m?ne?t?d]

英:  美:

eliminated 中文意思翻译



eliminated 词性/词形变化,eliminated变形

动词现在分词: eliminating |名词: elimination |动词第三人称单数: eliminates |动词过去式: eliminated |形容词: eliminative |动词过去分词: eliminated |

eliminated 短语词组

1、eliminated define ─── 消除定义

2、eliminated in fortnite ─── 在fortnite中消除

3、eliminated images ─── 消除的图像

4、eliminated diseases ─── 消除疾病

5、eliminated from dwts ─── 从dwts中排除

6、departments trump eliminated ─── 特朗普淘汰的部门

7、eliminated synonyms ─── 消除同义词

eliminated 同义词

comb | exterminate | annihilate | purge | urinate | eject | reject | rid of | wipe out | throw out | throw | rid | decimate | rule out | dispose | kill | dispose of | obviate | destroy | get rid of | defecate | eradicate | excrete | discard | clear | egest | carry off | abolish | get | expel | annul | of | pass | empty |remove | secrete | liquidate | murder | extinguish | exclude | dismiss | do away with | out

eliminated 反义词


eliminated 相似词语短语

1、delaminated ─── v.分层(delaminate的过去式形式);剥落;adj.剥落的;分层性的

2、laminated ─── adj.层压的;层积的;薄板状的;v.分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词)

3、eliminate ─── vt.消除;排除

4、recriminated ─── v.反责;反唇相讥

5、delimitated ─── v.给……划定界限(等于delimit);定义

6、criminated ─── vt.定罪;使负罪;责备

7、denominated ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

8、eliminator ─── n.消除器;消除者

9、eliminates ─── 消除;排除

eliminated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was eliminated (from the contest) in the fourth round. ─── 他在第四轮(从比赛中)被淘汰.

2、In 1961, smallpox was eliminated throughout the whole country, including minority areas. ─── 1961年在全国包括少数民族地区消灭了天花。

3、She effectively was eliminated from the finals with that one dive. ─── 实际上她已丧失了参加决赛的资格。

4、She was eliminated from the tournament in the first round. ─── 她在锦标赛的第一轮就遭到淘汰。

5、R11/Q7/Q9 can also be eliminated if R6 is resized. ─── 如果改变R6的阻值(也就是改变R6阻值用纯电阻代替恒流源)的话,R11、Q7、Q9也可以去掉。

6、She has no place in feminist mythology, and her novels have been effectively eliminated from the American literary map. ─── 女权运动的传奇中没有她的位置,美国文学地图早已将她的小说抹去。

7、Once man has eliminated capitalism,he will attain the era of perpetual peace,and there will be no more need for war. ─── 人类一经消灭了资本主义,便到达永久和平的时代,那时候便再也不要战争了。

8、But as the species seemed to bury its dead they eliminated an ape race. ─── 但是由于该种类好像是埋葬它的尸体,因而他们排除猿的可能。

9、As long as the same color in a box, that can be eliminated, mouse control. ─── 只要有相同颜色的方块在一,,就可以消除,鼠标控制。

10、The smell of both faecal and urine wastes can be effectively eliminated. ─── 可以有效排除排泄物的异味。

11、Suspects can be eliminated if their DNA pattern does not match the pattern of DNA molecules found at the crime scene. ─── 如果嫌疑犯的DNA图案与在犯罪现场找到的DNA分子的图案不相符,则他们的犯罪嫌疑就可被排除。

12、By the early1740 s, piracy had been eliminated from the western Atlantic. ─── 到18世纪40年代初期,大西洋西海域的海盗已被驱逐。

13、Togo was eliminated from the group stage for the second succe ive tournament. ─── 世界杯决赛圈的小组赛阶段是一种淘汰赛,没获得第二轮比赛资格的就得走路回家。

14、Utilizing heat and water-storage functions of the pipeline, the buffering hot water tank has been eliminated. ─── 利用管路蓄热储水功能,省略了缓冲热水箱。

15、MM The same map as long as the two I linked to the case can be eliminated. ─── 只要两个相同图俺案连在一起就可以消除。

16、Ms. Jiang views the problem as generational, recalling how the embroidery lessons that were standard in her schooldays have been eliminated. ─── 蒋琼耳认为这是时代的问题,她想起当年自己读书时常规的刺绣课程现在已经被取消了。

17、The influence of network noise can be eliminated by time average method. ─── 利用时间平均方法消除了网络噪声的影响。

18、By the late 1980s, all coupons had been eliminated throughout the urban areas. ─── 到80年代末,在全国范围内基本结束了票证供应制度。

19、The illegal and arbitrary funds and charges will continue to be dealt with and eliminated resolutely. ─── 对不合法、不合理的收费、基金继续进行清理整顿,坚决予以取消;

20、Once a pest threat has been eliminated, the WPM enforcement will be applied. ─── 一旦虫害威胁解除,木质包装规定将重新适用。

21、She has been eliminated from the swimming race. ─── 她已被取消了游泳比赛。

22、It's a thousand pities! Your firm is eliminated at the final round. ─── 实在是太遗憾了!贵公司在最后一轮被淘汰出局。

23、The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation. ─── 警方通过调查已经排除了两名嫌疑犯。

24、Internationalisation has not eliminated China's key problem of volatility. ─── 尽管日本前景看好,且投资信托行业整体增长数据相当抢眼,但中国基金业的发展最受瞩目,多元化需求促使基金业扩大投资领域。

25、Such abnormal practice in international human rights activities must be eliminated. ─── 国际人权活动中的这种不正常现象,应予以清除和纠正。

26、The doctors eliminated trash from his body. ─── 医生们帮他排除体内废物。

27、Regional limit will be eliminated in three years. ─── 加入后3年内取消地域限制。

28、Leaders will now die if their units get eliminated by attrition. ─── 如果部队因损耗被消灭,其将领会随之死亡。

29、He was eliminated in the first round of voting. ─── 他在第一轮投票中被淘汰。

30、I suggest that training courses of various kinds be run for those cadres whose posts are eliminated. ─── 对减下来的干部,我建议组织各种训练班进行训练。

31、If this is so, roaming charges can be eliminated in disguise. ─── 如果这样算的话,漫游费可以说是变相取消了。

32、Turkey says it has eliminated more than 300,000 fowl. ─── 土耳其当局估计国内已减少了超过300,000的家禽。

33、He was eliminated from the tennis match from the first round. ─── 他在网球比赛第一轮就被淘汰了。

34、I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals. ─── 我在400米半决赛中被淘汰了。

35、If being eliminated or Rubicon by human being lazy, this is a difficult problem. ─── 如果让人类消除或战胜懒惰,这是一道难题。

36、Her misspelling of that word eliminated her from the contest. ─── 因为她把那个单词写错了, 所以不能参加比赛。

37、The world has long forgotten, and he not wait for the world and his own together eliminated immediately eliminated, why bother look at it! ─── 早把世界忘了,他恨不得世界和他自己一齐消灭了,立刻消灭了,何苦再看呢!

38、She eliminated the author as narrator or commentator. ─── 在她的小说里,缩小作者作为叙述者或评论者的作用。

39、This can be eliminated by placing the model in an immersion cell. ─── 可将模型置于浸没液槽中,以消除此种误差。

40、The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated. ─── 对模仿的限制初步被消除。

41、By 2001,there were only 537 cases for the entire year and the disease had been eliminated from all but 10 countries. ─── 到2001年,全年只有537个病例,除10个国家外,全世界已消灭小儿麻痹症。

42、Failures impairing safety must be eliminated immediately. ─── 削弱安全性的错误必须立即消除。

43、A simple purge of the aqueous HCl solution with Ar prior to the hydrolysis completely eliminated formation of (-)- 20 . ─── 一个简单的整肃盐酸水溶液水解液氩完全消除前形成(94.1)20.

44、Fourth, local protectionism and monopoly of industries must be eliminated. ─── 四是打破地方保护和行业垄断。

45、Why has it been eliminated before it could be tried extensively? ─── 为什么还没有广泛试用就把它淘汰了呢?

46、In the first round of the FA Cup most amateur teams were eliminated from competition. ─── FA杯比赛第一轮时大多数业余队就被淘汰了。

47、With Cold Jet, this long and tedious process can be eliminated. ─── 使用Cold Jet则无需进行这一漫长而乏味的过程。

48、Treat by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated,as of grain. ─── 使暴露在流通的空气下以便使没用的东西能够除掉。

49、He eliminated three enemy machine gun nests. ─── 他清除了三处敌人的机关枪碉堡。

50、Since the 'factory' work we did is now being mechanized, outsourced or eliminated, it's hard to pay extra for it. ─── 由于我们曾从事的“工厂”作业正在被机械化、外包,或者淘汰,很难再为这些工作支付更多钱。

51、If besmirch is overweight, can repeat a few times, besmirch can be eliminated. ─── 如污渍过重,可重复几次,污渍就会消除。

52、Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent. ─── 她因多年居住在英国,美国口音已荡然无存。

53、With proper design, these dialogs can all but be eliminated. ─── 如果设计得当,这些对话框几乎可以完全消除。

54、N players march around N-1 chairs; when the music stops the player who did not find a chair is eliminated. ─── N个玩家围着N-1把椅子转;音乐停止后,找不到椅子的人就输了。

55、All geographic restrictions will be eliminated by end-2004. ─── 到2004年底,将取消所有地域限制。

56、How can these differences be eliminated? ─── 如何才能消除分歧呢?

57、They dropped two games in a row and were eliminated from the tournament. ─── 他们在划船比赛中输了两场比赛,并被淘汰出局。

58、If you are “PK'd” (被PK掉) it means that you have been eliminated. ─── 如果你被PK掉,也就是说,你被淘汰了。

59、Damage to seating surfaces due to chatter caused by surging and turbulence is virtually eliminated. ─── 实际上,这种结构能够消除由冲击涌流和湍流产生的频跳对阀座所造成的损害。

60、Ringing can be eliminated by increasing the desired closed-loop time constant. ─── 可以通过增大期望闭环时间常数来消除振铃现象。

61、But last night when Zheng Di was eliminated,I couldn't hold back the tears. ─── 但是昨晚,当郑迪被淘汰的时候,我实在不能控制自己的泪水。

62、Experts believe that yaws can be eliminated and eventually eradicated because humans are the only reservoir of infection. ─── 专家认为,由于人类是唯一的感染贮主,雅司病可以得到治疗和最终根除。

63、Before desulfating molten iron, the slag should be eliminated. ─── 在对高炉铁水脱硫处理前,要先除去铁水中的炉渣。

64、A part of the program was eliminated to save time. ─── 为了节省时间,这节目的一部分被除去了。

65、Look like they're already eliminated the men they couldn't buy out. ─── 似乎他们已经不要这些尸体了,他们不会收尸的。

66、A week later, we have finally eliminated the fleas! ─── 一个星期后,我们终于把跳蚤消灭了!

67、The Global Plan outlines how TB mortality and prevalence could be cut in half by2015 and TB eliminated by2050. ─── 全球遏制结核病规划指出了怎样才能使结核病的死亡率和发病率在2015年下降一半,到2050年达到消灭结核病。

68、He was eliminated from the tournament in the first round. ─── 他在锦标赛第一回合遭到淘汰。

69、He ought to have eliminated her weeks ago. ─── 他应该在几个星期前就把她干掉的。

70、Studies on Malaria Control and Surveillance after Malaria Basically Eliminated. ─── 基本消灭疟疾后监测与防治对策的研究。

71、In this case, search has been eliminated from the problem. ─── 在这种情况,问题的探索过程被省去了。

72、He randomly eliminated many steps, so the calculation was incomplete. ─── 他随意地删汰了很多运算步骤,使得计算很不完整。

73、With Tarawa eliminated, the way was clear for attack on the Marshall Group. ─── 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。

74、Their team was eliminated in the first round. ─── 他们队在第一轮就被淘汰了。

75、Several top players were unexpectedly eliminated in the prelims. ─── 几位顶尖选手在预赛中被意外地淘汰了

76、Dutt told reporters: "Now Aobeiluoyi hotel has been eliminated. ─── 中英文对照:杜特对记者说:“现在奥贝罗伊酒店内已经被肃清。

77、It was hard to hear that I was eliminated, but I had so much fun on my go-sees, flying around town in my little smart car. ─── 当我知道我被淘汰之后,我真的很难接受,但我觉得面试很好玩,坐在我的小破车里在城市里兜风。

78、Compared MSCT and DDR-DE : eliminated 6 PNs and increased 9 PNs. ─── MSCT与DDR DE相比排除肺小结节6个,增加肺小结节9个。

79、Production capacity once eliminated must never be put to use again under any pretext or in any form. ─── 已淘汰的生产能力,绝不能以任何借口和形式恢复生产。

80、The vibration of fractionator was eliminated by decoking the oil gas line. ─── 对油气线进行消焦处理后,分馏塔振动被消除。

81、They frequently attacked Ming's dribble and thereby eliminated him as an offensive force. ─── 他们经常性地对持球的姚明进行了攻击,使姚没有在进攻端作出什么表现。

82、He was eliminated in the very first round. ─── 他在第一轮比赛中就被刷下来了。

83、He was eliminated in the first round of voting. ─── 他在第一轮投票中被淘汰。

84、Could the exhaust fumes and the deafening noise be eliminated? ─── /能不能消除难以忍受的废气以及震耳欲聋的噪音呢?

85、Parker,the 1988 bronze medalist,went home empty-handed after being eliminated in the quarterfinals. ─── 1988年铜牌得主帕克在四分之一决赛中被淘汰,结果空手而归。

86、A part of the program is eliminated to save time. ─── 为了节省时间,这节目的一部分被削减了。

87、"We've eliminated most of the gremlins that were bothering us," he said. ─── “我们排除了一直困扰我们的绝大多数障碍,”穆马说。

88、Hepatitis B was eliminated as a serious transfusion peril by the late 1970s. ─── 到七十年代末,乙型肝炎作为一种输血性疾病已经被消灭了。

89、Why Can't Non-Standard Chinese Be Eliminated? ─── 为什么不规范字屡禁不止?


作为一家可靠的旅行社,我们真正地设法一样实际地描述我们的中心和接待尽可能。 所有我们的超级中心和主要中心广泛地被调查了在冬天季节期间1975-1976。 在季节期间,结果我们有关于旅馆、生活网络和滑雪教育的方式等等的第一手信息经营。 我们未能调查,在第一只手,所有我们的独立中心在最后季节期间在过去三个季节期间,但是所有被参观了。 如果您需要关于这些中心的信息我们愿尝试得到它您的。 我们的美国中心被调查了代表我们的由联合航空公司游览部门和由是协助团结的和我们自己为美国提供您这个新颖的节目的美国旅行社。

我们从文本尽可能消灭了使用最高级(可能使我们的小册子(小册子)较不有吸引力读比它也许是)和集中了一样准确描述尽可能。 然而您应该记住您的看法和我们的调查员观点也许不同,并且也许有在参观由我们的调查员和参观之间的时间的变动我们的一名顾客。

我们信任它是显然的对您我们做了所有在我们的力量消灭错误的描写,并且真正地没有误传的问题在粗心大意我们的part—either的或。 我们欢迎您建设性的criticism—it是我们知道改进我们的小册子和我们的服务的最佳的方式。 虽然怨言是非常昂贵处理,您的怨言或批评将十分地被调查,并且(退赔)做的退款,如果它是justified—none将被做,如果它不是。


翻的我要吐了。。。有些句子怎么都翻不好。。。= =!咳咳。。。希望能多多少少帮到你一点~





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